Welcome to the Breathe Education - Video resource priorities survey! We are beginning the the development and creation process for the next set of Breathe Education resource videos! We would really love your input into which topics would be most important to your school, teachers and pupils to help us prioritise these. The video topics we are looking at next are:
- Attachment, adversity and emotional regulation
- Body image and Eating issues
- Diversity, mental health and wellbeing
- Neurodiversity, mental health and wellbeing
- Self-Harming, Stress coping & Life Events
- Teenage transitions; ‘new normal’ for mental health and wellbeing
Please use the dropdown boxes below each topic to rank them in order of priority (1 being top priority and 6 being lower priority) - there is a free text option to suggest any further topics you think might be useful for in the classroom.
While you're here, don't forget to check out the videos that we created for classroom use around the topics of Emotional Regulation and Worry and Anxiety as well as some of our teacher specific videos and resources located in our Resources toolkit.
Topic: Attachment, adversity and emotional regulation
Topic: Body image and Eating issues
Topic: Diversity, mental health and wellbeing
Topic: Neurodiversity, mental health and wellbeing
Topic: Self-Harming, Stress coping & Life Events
Topic: Teenage transitions; ‘new normal’ for mental health and wellbeing
Any other topics that would be good for future videos?