On Edge – Resource Packs
On Edge is a resource pack for teachers and other practitioners working with young people. It comprises four lesson plans designed to give pupils a rounded view of self-harm and the support available.
Self-harm among young people is a significant and growing public health problem. On average two teenagers in every secondary school classroom will have hurt themselves n response to the pressure of growing up in an increasingly complex and challenging world.
Young people also say self-harm is their number one concern for their peers, above bullying, gangs, binge drinking and drug use.
However, those in closest contact with young people often have limited knowledge of self-harm, which results in a poor response when a young person finally finds the courage to tell someone they need help.
On Edge aims to tackle the myths that surround self-harm, reduce the stigma associated with it by increasing understanding of its function, reduce the barriers to help-seeking by raising awareness of its function, reduce the barriers to help-seeking by raising awareness of sources of support and promote a consistent humane response to a behaviour which is the manifestation of distress.
Download the pack, detailed lesson plans (based on Curriculum for Excellence Level 3 Experiences and Outcomes), PowerPoint presentations and video below.