11 February 2022 Anger – lesson plan for primary schools (Breathe Education) This is a downloadable KS1 & KS2 lesson plan focusing on the PHSE objectives for Anger. Includes resources and activities to be carried out in the classroom. Source (Breathe Education) Attachments # File Description Date added File size Downloads 1 PS Lesson plan for Anger 11 February 2022 12:29 pm 81 KB 3327 Allocated resources:Resource nameResource infoActionsPS Lesson plan for AngerFile type: PDFUploaded: Friday, February 11, 2022ViewDownload https://breathe-edu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/pexels-keira-burton-6624327-scaled.jpg 1707 2560 Julie Kane https://breathe-edu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/logo.svg Julie Kane2022-02-11 12:31:482023-07-30 09:17:31Anger – lesson plan for primary schools (Breathe Education)