supporters & partners
Our research hub is where you’ll find an overview of common terms and processes that are commonly used in research as well as information around how research is used within school settings and the impacts it can have on Youth Mental Health.
This section will also provide the opportunity to find out about some research projects that you and your school could get involved in.
We have created a video that can will take you through the importance of conducting research with children and young people, how we ensure they are kept safe while doing so and how you and your school can get involved.
Research Projects
Visit our Research Projects page for a list of research projects that are open to school participation. Contact details for the research teams can be found in the information as well as links for where to read more about each project.
Resources for Research Hub
( resources found)
Resource type:
Recovery & Growth Event / World Mental Health Day 2023
Find out moreYouth Mental Health Research (Breathe Education)
Find out moreACEs Resources (ACEs Too High)
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