Zine Making Workshops
Birmingham Pilot Sessions:
Zine making workshops were delivered in 2 schools in Birmingham between October – December 2022.
Pre-measures – Introduction to project and pre-assessment measures with pupils (Emotional Awareness Questionnaire, Stirling Children’s Wellbeing Scale)
Week 1 – Introduction to emotional literacy and Introduction to zines – Zine making activity: ‘about me’ zines – about our favourite things to do
Week 2– Identifying emotions – Zine making activity: collage zines finding images / patterns that remind us of the 6 main emotions from Gloria Wilcox’s ‘Feeling Wheel’ (mad, sad, peaceful, powerful, joyful and scared)
Week 3 – Emotional Regulation – Zine making activity: make a narrative zine using drawing, collage, text or a mixture to illustrate how to get from Blue, Red or Yellow zone back to the Green zone
Week 4 – Stress – Zine making activity: make a poetry zine about something we might find stressful at school and what can help us find calm/manage that situation
Post-measures – Post assessment measures with pupils (Emotional Awareness Questionnaire, Stirling Children’s Wellbeing Scale), acceptability questionnaire (Children’s Usage Rating Scale) and feedback – Zine making activity: make a zine page about we like (or don’t like) about making zines (for a collaborative class zine).
At the end of the sessions, each student received a ‘zine making pack’, which included some simple instructions on how to make a few different zines, a zine of the ZELP Project reminding the students of everything covered, as well as some basic materials to make some more zines for themselves.
Visit the ZELP homepage for further information.